Wednesday, May 20, 2009


It's been a while since I've written anything. I will do better since it is good to write.

Tonight I had planned to plant a flat of flowers at the very least as part of my do-one-thing-outside every night. BUT, I just ran out of energy after dinner. In my defense I had to cook it - chicken asparagus stir fry. It was yummy.

I'm listening/watching the American Idol finale. I have to keep getting up and looking. Keith Urban and Kris Allen. How cool is that? I wonder who Adam will sing with. Before that the adorable David Cook.

So back to the outside of things. Really, I have tons to do. Plant annuals in the front two gardens, clean 3 flower areas out back and rototill so I can use some of that space for veggies. I have leaf lettuce growing and plan to plant spinach, tomatoes, cucumbers, basil and maybe some yellow squash. Maybe some peppers too. Who knows what I might do? I have oregano and another herb coming up that I planted last year. I don't know what it is for sure. The little tag disappeared. I'll figure it out soon. :) I'm going to dry herbs in the oven - whatever I don't use fresh that is.

I wish I had some chocolate. lol

I am reading Up Island by Anne Rivers Siddons. I don't know if it's good or not since I just barely started.

Oh, they brought that stupid bikini girl back. arggg

Carmen and I are going garage sale shopping on Friday. I need dining room chairs. I'm going to paint them black - Carmen's idea which appeals to me. Which reminds me, I need to refinish the table. OMG So many projects. Need to do some painting too. I'm just exhausted. :)

Both Joey and Rhiannon have programs Friday so we'll go to those too. Busy day.

Saturday will be yard day without fail. Can she do it? We'll find out. :)

And that is all.

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Just Married

Just Married
David and Cassandra