Thursday, March 5, 2009

Random stuff

Today was a glorious day in Michigan - over 50 and sunny. There are still little piles of snow everywhere but who cares?

I have to thank my daughter, Carmen, for putting the background on this blog. I seriously don't know how to do anything. Someday I'll learn to post pics, etc.

I think Rush Limbaugh is an unadulterated ass.

I'm so glad we don't hear anything about George W. Bush anymore.

So looking forward to spring - want to see green and flowers. Of course you know what that means. Yard work. And lots of it.

I was listening to Bob & Tom the other day and they were talking about naming furniture which was so hilarious that I had to name some too. Amy (of the famous Amy Experience)and her sister Luci contributed as well.

From Bob & Tom: Fred Achair, Clark Table, I am I bed

From me and Amy and Luci: Fran Dresser, Mirror Sorvino, Gerard Deskardeau,
Sebastian Cabinet, Armoire Assante, Floorence Henderson

Too much fun.

Saturday - off to the Detroit Institute of Art to see a Norman Rockwell exhibit with Amy and Karen. I love the DIA especially the fabulous Diego Rivera mural. It's awesome and a tribute to the auto industry. Detroit has some wonderful things including Mexican town where one can eat yummy stuff. It also has a HUGE outdoor/indoor market which is divine in the spring and summer. I forget what it's called.

And that is all for today.

1 comment:

  1. That would be the Eastern Market. Road trip.


Just Married

Just Married
David and Cassandra