I opened my front curtains and came face to face with an adorable little chickadee. (My window ledge outside is only a couple of inches off the ground.) He/she looked right back at me for a few seconds and then flew up to the limb of a close by tree. Chickadees are really, really cute. I actually love to watch birds even though I am afraid of anything that flies. At my mother's apartment complex there is a pond outside her back window where we watch ducks and geese and one awesome heron. We think it's a blue heron. Herons are unusual looking and acting. We have watched it walk in ultra slow motion around the pond - never getting into the water, never swimming. The other day it walked right past Mom's window, so we got a good close up view for several minutes before it spread its amazing wings and flew away. It was exciting! :)
Here's a chickadee - they're much cuter in person.
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